
CEA has a strong commitment to providing opportunities to the community by providing professional training and education opportunities. We been working with the Canberra Institute of Technology (CIT) for many years to ensure that our apprenticeship program is professionally run and meets the requisite trade standards. Our apprentices complete a Cert III Electronics and Communications and this year we expect to have more than 30 apprentices undertaking the program. CIT assisted CEA in launching the inaugural Leadership and Management training in 2022, further expanding our relationship and partnership with the organisation.

CEA has partnered with the Australian National University (ANU) to provide engineering students with work experience in our engineering department. Students can gain experience in a number of disciplines, including software, hardware and systems engineering. The company has also established a cadetship program with the ANU focusing on STEM related studies, which are a great way for individuals to establish themselves in the workplace while still completing their studies.

CEA has partnered with the University of Wollongong (UoW) to sponsor a number of scholarships within the Engineering School. These scholarships also come with the option of sponsored work experience for students during the holidays and support for accommodation while staying in Canberra.

CEA partners with Australian Training Company (ATC) for our Traineeships and Australian School-based Apprenticeships.

As part of CEA’s Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) we are committed to working with Supply Nation, to provide more diverse supply chains as we work together towards long-term business benefits. Supply Nation works with over 3,000 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander businesses and procurement teams from government and corporate Australia to help shape today’s emerging and rapidly evolving Indigenous business sector.